Job Placement Services

MedVoc Rehabilitation's job placement philosophy is to first work with pre-injury employees to promote a successful return to work with the same employer. If this is not possible due to the claimant's work restrictions, MedVoc Rehabilitation is proactive in finding jobs with new employers. Our job placement specialist selectively identifies open jobs and schedules interviews and assists claimants in ways to effectively perform their own job search.

Our Job Placement Plan is a comprehensive and aggressive program to include the following:

  • Job placement packet is provided to the claimant; it includes a responsibility handout, articles on how to explain a disability to an employer, and how to interview.
  • Job leads are provided to a claimant on a weekly basis.
  • Job Placement Specialists meet with the claimant on a regular basis to review job placement participation and also to coordinate application completions and interviews with potential employers.
  • Job Placement Specialists review and follow up on claimants personal job search on a weekly basis.